Brennan Healing Science is a safe effective complement to traditional medical and psychological care. The scientifically documented techniques have helped people worldwide with their physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual challenges. The powerful healing work of Brennan Healing Science touches every aspect of a person’s life to improve the quality of life.
Brennan Healing Science is a modality based on the Human Energy Field (HEF) and Consciousness System and its relationship to health and dis-ease. Dis-ease conditions exist as imbalances and dysfunctions of the HEF and Consciousness System, also referred to as the human aura or energy field.
Barbara Brennan has researched the Human Energy Field for more than 35 years. She worked as a research scientist with NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center before founding the Barbara Brennan School of Healing (BBSH). She also trained in Bioenergetic Therapy at the Institute for Psychophysical Synthesis and in Core Energetics at the Institute for the New Age. Her studies also included Native American healers.
Barbara founded BBSH in 1982 to assist individuals with their personal process of healing, by combining High Sense Perception skills and hands-on energy healing techniques. Brennan Healing Science practitioners are trained to interact with a client’s energy in a deeply intuitive way, energetically supporting the client into alignment toward healing, as well as clearing, balancing, and renewing the energy field that supports physical and emotional health. It touches every aspect of a person’s life to improve the quality of life.
For more information visit Barbara’s website HERE
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“One positive thought produces millions of positive vibrations.” – John Coltrane

“We are all vibrating, energetic beings that are constantly regulating – constantly fluctuating. This never stops, even after death”